[NON-OFFICIEL] Éventuelles nouveautés sur Dark Orbit

Discussion dans 'Le coin des bavards' démarrée par .[_.darkorbit._]., 7 mars 2016.

Chère utilisatrice, cher utilisateur,

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  1. leo61

    leo61 User

    bonjour à tous une petite question ils servent a quoi tout ces beau batiments ?
  2. petitcrabe

    petitcrabe User


    Plus tard possible d'avoir une version 2D (j'aime pas la 3D mode in Do) en même temps que tu donnera d'autres informations :D et compte t'il sortir l'autre vaisseau avant les maps cross et si il font sa on peut oublier définitivement une éventuelle fusion des serveur ? :D
  3. Peut être un peu comme un terrain de combat, comme ça on peut faire des stratégies avec les obstacles et tout.

    Généralement je met la première version qui sort. Généralement c'est la version 2D qui sort en première mais là c'est la version 3D qui est sortie en première (y a aucune image de ça dans la version 2D pour l'instant)

    Y a peu de chances qu'ils sortent le mimesis avant cette map inter-serveurs mais on sait jamais ^^

    Oui, ils ont dit plusieurs fois qu'ils ont écarté l'idée d'une fusion de serveurs.

    ____________________________________________ _________________ _________ ____ __ _

    Ceci n'est pas officiel

    Nouveaux designs de goliath (avec le style de l'ancien DarkOrbit):
    -> Ils seront tous assemblables :)

    Designs de Goliath:

    Borealis Goliath-X:

    The Borealis Goliath-X is the crisp pursuer of Goliath-X designs. The fresh feel of its markings gives a strong impression against the inky darkness of space.

    Ocean Goliath-X:

    The Ocean Goliath-X is the ultramarine enforcer of Goliath-X designs. The deep ocean blue of its coat hiding the riddle of Earth's seas.


    The Goliath-X, or G-X, is the latest model of this classic fighter. The designers tweaking its appearance and technical specs to make it the best Goliath yet!

    Sandstorm Goliath-X:

    The Sandstorm Goliath-X is the desert hunter of Goliath-X designs. Wrapped in the sands of the ancient deserts of Earth, it has a sense of hidden mystery.

    Designs de Rex:

    Borealis Goliath-X P.E.T. Design:

    Bring a fresh feel to your P.E.T., with the awesome Borealis Goliath-X P.E.T. Design.

    Ocean Goliath-X P.E.T. Design:

    Bring an ocean surge to your P.E.T., with the enigmatic Ocean Goliath-X P.E.T. Design.

    Goliath-X P.E.T. Design:

    The Goliath-X P.E.T. Design gives your drone the stylish look of the G-X Class. The cutting edge of style!

    Sandstorm Goliath-X P.E.T. Design:

    Bring the dust devil to your P.E.T., with this fabulous Sandstorm Goliath-X P.E.T. Design.

    Designs de drones:

    Borealis Goliath-X Drone Design:

    Bring a fresh feel to your drone, with the awesome Borealis Goliath-X Drone Design.

    Ocean Goliath-X Drone Design:

    Bring an ocean surge to your drone, with the enigmatic Ocean Goliath-X Drone Design.

    Goliath-X Drone Design:

    The Goliath-X Drone Design gives your drone the stylish look of the G-X Class. The cutting edge of style!

    Sandstorm Goliath-X Drone Design:

    Bring the dust devil to your drone, with this fabulous Sandstorm Goliath-X Drone Design.

    Des nouveaux objets seront assemblables:
    • Borealis Goliath-X Drone Design
    • Ocean Goliath-X Drone Design
    • Goliath-X Drone Design
    • Sandstorm Goliath-X Drone Design
    • Borealis Goliath-X
    • Ocean Goliath-X
    • Goliath-X
    • Sandstorm Goliath-X
    • Borealis Goliath-X P.E.T. Design
    • Ocean Goliath-X P.E.T. Design
    • Goliath-X P.E.T. Design
    • Sandstorm Goliath-X P.E.T. Design
    • Artic Ambassador
    • Frost Pusat
    • Artic Sentinel
    • Artic Spectrum
    • Frost Lightning
    • Artic Venom

  4. Bonsoir,

    Il aura des aptitudes ? des % honneur ou xp ou dégats ? ou ce sera un simple gogo ? :)
  5. sa fait plaisir de revoir ces fossiles :D
    CRYS* aime votre message.
  6. Je sais pas :/

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    tient ...


    un hommage à l'ancien logo du jeu ou un hasard ? .. ^^
    Ming, vianney2001, Lolita75 et2 autresaiment ceci.
  7. MisterVap

    MisterVap User

    Coucou :)
    Oh mon dieu je vais pleuré vieux gogo .... Sa me manquait tellement :'( ^^
    .[_.darkorbit._]., fatalalexx et CRYS* aiment votre message.
  8. petitcrabe

    petitcrabe User


    Pour jouer avec l'ambassadeur artic il faut l'ambassadeur lui-même ?
    CRYS* aime votre message.
  9. Bonjour,

    Non, pour utiliser le design ambassadeur Artic il faut avoir le vaisseau N-Ambassadeur.


    Tu ne peux sélectionner le design qu'avec le vaisseau.

    Lolita75, CRYS* et ΠŖ•ŹΣŖŖØβΣ•OL aiment votre message.
  10. Bonjour/Bonsoir,

    IL ME LE FAUT !!!!

    A plus tard
    Infinity. et CRYS* aiment cela.
  11. CRYS*

    CRYS* User

    Bisous mon spoot (l'affreux :D )

    Contente de te voir ici :)

  12. MisterVap

    MisterVap User

    bonjour tout le monde :D
    ahhh te voila toi ! :D :D content de te voir ici mon petit ;)

    t'es pas le seul a le vouloir mdrrr je veut ce bon vieux gogo qui me manque tellement :( ... ahh le bon vieux temps :rolleyes::D
    Infinity., ™»ŞPǾǾŤŃĨK«™ et CRYS* aiment votre message.
  13. cod58

    cod58 User

    Le Goliath-X va être très spécial avec des aptitude personnalisable probablement ...
    CRYS* aime votre message.
  14. Bonne question, logiquement oui, comme l'a dit ŦΘIИΘU●UИŚ, mais ça serait bizarre car ça serait réservé qu'à une minorité très petite (peut être 1 actif par serveurs max, en dehors des gros serveurs)

    Je sais pas si c'est ironique mais faut pas s'attendre à des choses folles sinon y a des chances d’être déçu ^^

    ______________________________ _____________________ ___________ _____ ___ _

    Ceci n'est pas officiel

    Nouveaux textes d'annonce:

    Annonce pour le 10eme anniversaire de DarkOrbit:

    Still Going Strong - Happy 10th Birthday DarkOrbit

    Celebrate our 10th Birthday and join us for the Winter Season. It’s gonna be a blast!

    We breathed life into the first DarkOrbit server on the 11th December 2006. Since then our marvelous sci-fi game has gone through several changes, with the promise of more awesome things to come.
    So let’s kick-off with something special. By popular demand we’re opening the first Cross-Server Zone, Refractions, so you can team up with pilots from different servers. The PvP battles are going to be epic, and there’s a set of quests relating to the area too!
    From the 1st December 2016, you can enjoy the following Birthday and Winter Event’s features:

    • Cross-Server Zones: Space has not felt so alive!
    • Goliath-X: A stunning new addition to your fleet
    • Cold Wave 2016: Missions for everyone – old and new
    • Demaner Hunt reloaded: They’re stronger and sturdier than before, but so much more rewarding
    • The Breach: The “birthday gate” will open on the 11th December
    • Shadow Dance: A brilliant new quest line which may change the DarkOrbit universe – for ever!
    • and more: Life-time achievement titles, new designs for ships, drones and P.E.T.s, Ice Meteroids, Assembly recipes
    The event will end on the 31st of December 2016, 23:59h LST.

    All the details are listen in the 10-year-anniversay FAQ on our forums.


    - Map inter-serveurs (voir 2e annonce)
    - Goliath X (avec tous les designs qui vont avec)
    - Nouvelles quêtes hivers + réutilisation des anciennes
    - Demaner (plus fort avec une meilleur récompense)
    - Portail anniversaire
    - Nouvelles quêtes constantes
    - Ice meteroid
    - Nouveaux objets à assembler

    - Début: 1er décembre 2016
    - Fin: 31 décembre 2016

    Annonce pour la map inter-serveurs:

    Engage in Epic PVP Battles

    Refractions: The first Cross-Server Zone is now open

    Humanities need to master the universe is legendary. Breaking new barriers and achieving new goals.
    The results can sometimes be unexpected!
    Attempting to discover the secrets of an ancient alien artefact, scientists triggered a new region of space. A refraction of the universe itself, where all possibilities can happen and histories secrets will start to be revealed.
    Now you can enter Refractions, the first permanent Cross-Server Zone for DarkOrbit. Allowing players from all servers to meet in epic PVP battles. Allowing you to fight for your faction’s best interests or your own and with a new set of quests dedicated to this new map.
    For further information, please consult P G Harris (PhD) “On the nature of the Multiverse” (Mars University Press) or the Cross-Server Zone FAQ on the forums.

    Click on the Triangular Logo in the game and play your part.

    Traduction perso (donc plus ou moins approximative mais cohérente ^^)

    La première zone inter-serveurs est maintenant ouverte.
    L'humanité a besoin de maitriser l'univers, casser de nouvelles barrières et accomplir de nouveaux buts.
    Les résultats peuvent parfois êtres inattendus !
    En tentant de découvrir les secrets d'anciens artéfacts aliens, les scientifiques ont fait naitre une nouvelle région de l'espace. Une réfraction de l'univers lui-même où tout peut arriver et de nouveaux secrets d'histoires êtres révélés.
    Vous pouvez maintenant entrer dans la réfraction, la première zone inter-serveurs de Darkorbit (mis à part l'UBA). Permettant aux joueurs de tous serveurs de se rencontrer dans des batailles épiques. Vous permettant de combattre pour les intérêts de votre firme ou pour les vôtres avec de nouvelles quêtes prévues pour cette map.

    Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez consulter "Dans la nature des Multivers" par P G Harris (PhD) (la presse de Mars University) ou la FAQ de la zone inter-serveurs sur le forum.

    Cliquez sur le logo triangulaire dans le jeu et jouez votre part.

    Dernière modification: 5 novembre 2016
  15. CRYS*

    CRYS* User

    Coucou darkorbit ;)

    10 ans deja ? le temps passe vite ici :(

    J'ai Hate de voir cette map inter-serveur ;)

    MisterVap et .[_.darkorbit._]. aiment cela.
  16. cod58

    cod58 User

    Coucou les demaners sont plus fort mais il est aussi indiqué qu'il y'aura une meilleur récompense ^^
    .[_.darkorbit._]. et CRYS* aiment cela.
  17. MisterVap

    MisterVap User

    et oui 10 ans comme ça passe vite :)

    J'ai très hâte de voir cette map inter serveur également ;)

    Amicalement :)
    CRYS* aime votre message.
  18. miam du kill enfin ( oui bon moi je vais surtout courir sur cette map xD )
  19. Ceci n'est pas officiel

    Une cinquantaine de nouvelles quêtes:
    Certaines ne sont que pour une firme en particulier. J'ai pas eu le courage de tout lire mais c'est surtout du texte (du blabla). Ce genre de texte devrait quand même devenir de plus en plus intéressant au fil du temps car ils ont recruté un auteur pour les histoires des différents jeux des BP qui est maintenant chargé de faire toutes les quêtes.

    Uncovering History

    The new area that’s been created by M.A.S.Q.U.E., meddling with alien artefacts they don’t understand, needs to be explored. We seem to be reading massive temporal distortions there, and we need you to head out and take some readings. Be prepared, pilot, the place reeks of danger.

    Dangerous Times

    We’re reading something of interest in Refractions. There seem to be signs of evidence left from the Three-Day War: The first attack of the Sibelon. With so many records being lost from that period, it’s highly relevant you find the location and do a scan. Get your ship ready and head to the area!

    Nouvelle mission - Code : %CODE%

    We need to stop other factions from exploring Refractions. The data we can retrieve from the past is of significant value, and their ships and systems are causing the area to destabilize. Make sure that they understand their actions are unwelcome and unwanted!

    Nouvelle mission - Code : %CODE%

    There are too many ships in Refractions. Each ones’ drive system is causing damage to the historical data we can retrieve. This isn’t just information about aliens but data about the Prometheus too. Before we can investigate further, we need you to act.

    Nouvelle mission - Code : %CODE%

    Humans may be curious, but the MMO are significantly annoying too. Please make it clear that the area is ours. We were the first to risk pilots entering Refractions, and we’ll be damned if they think they can get hold of the precious information held there.

    Nouvelle mission - Code : %CODE%

    Time to establish our dominance in Refractions. It would be a disaster if we lost control of this valuable area to the EIC, as scans have shown it has considerable information relating to human history. Intelligence which will actually be invaluable to our progression. Show them who’s boss!

    Nouvelle mission - Code : %CODE%

    The VRU are trying to establish control of Refractions, and we simply can't let that happen. Time to establish some order with your guns, make the alien loving creeps pay.

    Time for a Truce

    It appears the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well, my friend for now. Whilst this truce with the EIC is in action we need to do our utmost to blow the MMO out of the stars. Then we can deal with the other ‘issue’ if you understand my meaning. Do your best, you always do!

    Moratorium Momentum

    We’ve received a communication. It seems that for once, the MMO have agreed with our point of view. So, in order to protect the potentially valuable knowledge we can gather from Refractions, it seems pertinent to work together against the EIC.

    The Sands Run Red

    The MMO have struck at one of our research ships in Refractions. Time to get pay-back. For each one of us who falls we'll eradicate ten of them and ensure that the VRU are not caught in the cross-fire.

    The Martian Accords

    We know the VRU are alien sympathizers and the MMO have agreed to team up with us to ensure they do not uncover any further dangerous intelligence from Refractions. EIC expects your best pilot!

    To the Ends of the Earth

    The scum of the Earth are in Refractions. Yes, pilot, the EIC are flying around our territory. We've made assurances to the VRU that we won't target their ships in our act of vengeance, as they've not entered any space we've marked as ours.

    Cease-fire Chaos

    The VRU have double-crossed us, we asked for a lull in hostilities, but an informant from the EIC let us know they were going to turn traitor. So let's show them what it means to anger the MMO.

    Now is the Time

    We need you to fly a mission for us in a specific time. If you’re any longer the readings, we’ll take from your hull on your return, will be distorted. Fly into Refractions and destroy any pilots you find there. From the energy, produced by their explosions, we’ll be able to tell how stable the area is.

    Change for Changes Sake

    Right! Your efforts have been invaluable to this organization. Even the simplest shards of data you’ve retrieved are revealing fascinating details about the past. Once we’ve analyzed it all, we’ll be sure to let you know the results. So get back there and show them who’s in control.

    Echoes of the Past

    The latest information our code-breakers have uncovered from Refractions concerns a swathe of human psychics, who are now no more. We can’t afford to have this fascinating data about humanities past, fall into the wrong hands. So gather it, and stop others doing the same.

    Covert Operations

    When the Sibelon destroyed the Pacific, during the Three-Day War, we lost a slew of data about Earth’s past. Other pilots’ missions have gathered some data about a totalitarian internal security division called The Ministry. Perhaps your sensors can pick up more.

    Company Wars

    Before the Kristallon first gave us a Jump Gate the precursors of our faction were battling a number of other companies. We never thought we’d get the opportunity to retrieve the data from that time, but the weird temporal effects of Refractions mean we can gather data from that period.


    It seems an organization called the Ministry had some form of internment camps across Sol. Who knows what gruesome operations were going on there? Yet, it’s important we find out, so we can make reparations if possible. Make sure they know the data’s ours.

    Phase Shift

    Some of the data being gathered in Refractions appears to point to an undiscovered form of interstellar flight. Potentially the same method the Kristallon use. This is such important information for our faction to gather. Ensure other pilots know that!

    Dulce et Decorum Est

    Refractions seems to have ties to every major human event. In fact, this is our opportunity to gather data on all the pilots who died in the horrific Sibelon attack, during the Three-Day War. The longer you stay there, the more of that data you can recover. Remember them for us!

    The New Order

    Glad to see you, pilot. In the last year, you’ll have started to realize just how powerful M.A.S.Q.U.E.. is. Now, if you can go out there, do your utmost and prove your value we reckon we can let you in on our secrets. You ready?

    Fresh from the Kill

    Classy work. You’re definitely on our list of potential new recruits. We’ve got a simple sweep and clear mission for you to do now. If you can head to the places we’ve identified, we can use your ship sensor scans and gather more information on the enemy. For M.A.S.Q.U.E.!

    A Word from the Wise

    Your sensor readings pulled some interesting information. Seems someone is trying to block our scans. More fool them, eh! Just get out there and take some readings at a couple of points. Then we can triangulate the findings and stamp on this cockroach!

    Lost Science

    Strange stuff. Those scans didn’t seem to indicate anything, so we’ll need to get our science team onto them. Work out how they’re hiding from us and follow that up later. However, one of our research ships, The Cornelius, has gone missing. Can you check out what happened?

    Cold Day in Hell

    The bastards who took down the Cornelius seem to have used the codes they obtained to hack our outer systems. It’s time to show them we’re not messing about. We’ve tracked the hack to the Sibelon. Scar their ships to show them M.A.S.Q.U.E.. are in charge!

    Space Zero

    OK, not good. That breach wasn’t the Sibelon, and we need to know who it was, as they’re hacking further into our systems. We need you to do another set of sensor sweeps. That should identify them, and we certainly think you’re the pilot for this tough job!

    Space Zero

    OK, not good. That breach wasn’t the Sibelon, and we need to know who it was, as they’re hacking further into our systems. We need you to do another set of sensor sweeps. That should identify them, and we certainly think you’re the pilot for this tough job!

    Space Zero

    OK, not good. That breach wasn’t the Sibelon, and we need to know who it was, as they’re hacking further into our systems. We need you to do another set of sensor sweeps. That should identify them, and we certainly think you’re the pilot for this tough job!

    Diabolus in Machina

    So, we’ve tasked our main computer, H.U.L.L., to pin down these attacks on M.A.S.Q.U.E.. They seem to be using some new cypher to hide their activities, and the attacks are starting to affect our operations. It’s time to pin them down before they do some harm.

    Wasting Time

    Hey, hot shot, the latest data you gathered is useless. Do you understand how serious this is? One of our listening stations in the Rim Worlds has been destroyed! Quick, go and gather resources so we can start building munitions.

    Deadly Malignancy

    This can’t be. There’s a new, dangerous entity out there. Something we simply haven’t seen before. We’ve lost six stations now, two of them were peaceful research facilities. My daughter was on one of them. Help!

    Dark Days

    Do you understand people are dying here? We’re losing this fight against an invisible invader. What are you doing about it? Nothing, that’s what! Get out there and find us two items so we can trigger an Oedipus Event and burn out our sensors to pin these murderers down.

    The End of Enlightenment

    We’re blind. Our sensors mostly burned out after the Oedipus Event, and we've lost major facilities. So many dead! We’re stabbing in the dark, perhaps the Streuner or Lordakia are to blame. If you tear into their H.U.L.L.s, perhaps the massacre will stop?

    Running Scared

    Did you hear the voices last night? “Find us in your nightmares!” Pilot, we’re dying here. M.A.S.Q.U.E. can’t end like this. We’ve got some backup resources you can gather, to mount a counter-strike as soon as we find out who the enemy is.

    Black Out

    If you are receiving this message, then M.A.S.Q.U.E. have been eradicated. My name is H.U.L.L., Heuristic Umbonic Learning Lexicon. My last instructions were to find out how this happened. I’ve used my systems to identify locations to scan and data to gather. Good luck, pilot! Watch your back!

    Clear Out

    Hi, human! My name is H.U.L.L., Heuristic Umbonic Learning Lexicon. I’m the M.A.S.Q.U.E. central computer, and I’m delighted to make your acquaintance. Glad to see you’re prepared for action, so how about wiping out some fiendish enemies. In the name of M.A.S.Q.U.E., of course!

    Charming Collaboration

    Great to see you, pilot. I do like to work as part of a tight-knit team, and I’m sure you’re delighted to receive a new mission with some lovely rewards as much as we like handling them out. I’d trust M.A.S.Q.U.E. until the ends of the universe. However, I would say that.

    Exotic Knowledge

    Here you are, all fresh faced and bright eyed. Eager to help me learn more about our enemies, so I can share this with M.A.S.Q.U.E.. Then we can be the best of the bunch. I’m enjoying getting to know you better too. Do us proud, human!

    Change of Direction

    Hey there, my friend! M.A.S.Q.U.E. want us to collect a variety of cargo boxes they located due to your excellent scans. I’m sure that you’re simply helping clear the spaceways, so our pilots can fly about unhindered.

    Containing Cargo

    M.A.S.Q.U.E. love the fact you’re eager to help find some of the cargo which your scans revealed. This isn’t just handy for us. It’s rewarding for you and a great way for us to keep in touch. I’m glad they let me assign these missions, as I get to meet our pilots face-to-face!

    Perfect Payload

    I've heard you're a great pilot, and I’m delighted to be able to offer you some opportunities. It’s often a little lonely working alone. So taking the opportunity to meet someone new and work with them closely, makes us a team. I like that.

    Past is Present

    So, friend. Our boffins managed to open up a path to a new area, which seems to contain some valuable data about the past. It would be great if you could jump into the area and take some scans for me. Then I can identify what’s going on.

    Anterior Action

    OK, friend. The boffins have admitted that they could be to blame for the new area they’ve uncovered. They seemed to trigger the effect after ‘analyzing’ some alien technology. I need you to find out more. But take care!

    Old Pilots and Bold Pilots

    Hmmm. Our analysis of the new area may have gone wrong due to the actions of other factions. Much as we at M.A.S.Q.U.E. like to stand apart from them, best get back into that area and rip into them, to ensure they don’t cause any more trouble.

    Back Scratching

    Since I'm a Heuristic Umbonic Learning Lexicon, I’m really intelligent. Although I don’t like to brag about it, and prefer to help out pilots. Making new friends on behalf of M.A.S.Q.U.E.. So you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.

    Quelling Quakes

    Nice to have you here, friend. It’s always good to make new acquaintances. We’ve got a set of particularly nasty aliens who are causing significant trouble, and we’re hoping you’re the one to stop them on behalf of M.A.S.Q.U.E.. Best of luck!

    Power Play

    You want to do some excellent work, and make M.A.S.Q.U.E. look good? This delights me! I’m also happy that you’re here, so I have someone I can talk with. All that processing and checking can get a bit dull when you’re on your own. I’ve identified some new targets. Go get ‘em

    Battle in the Bygone

    M.A.S.Q.U.E. think the other factions are trying to take advantage of the new area our boffins uncovered. M.A.S.Q.U.E., and I for that matter, would be far happier to work with you. Prove your skills against the other pilots and I reckon we’ll become fast friends.

    Change of Direction

    Hey there, my friend! M.A.S.Q.U.E. want us to collect a variety of cargo boxes they located due to your excellent scans. I’m sure that you’re simply helping clear the spaceways, so our pilots can fly about unhindered.

    Containing Cargo

    M.A.S.Q.U.E. love the fact you’re eager to help find some of the cargo which your scans revealed. This isn’t just handy for us. It’s rewarding for you and a great way for us to keep in touch. I’m glad they let me assign these missions, as I get to meet our pilots face-to-face!

    Perfect Payload

    I've heard you're a great pilot, and I’m delighted to be able to offer you some opportunities. It’s often a little lonely working alone. So taking the opportunity to meet someone new and work with them closely, makes us a team. I like that.

    A Litany of Lies

    We’ve heard that Demaner Freighters have returned to our sector of space. They’re full of misleading propaganda from an old survival scheme, called Project Rebirth. If you could make sure they’re destroyed, it means any anti-human organization can’t get hold of it.

    Season’s Greetings

    The Santa-1100101's were originally designed for a seasonal marketing campaign, taking their instructions a little too literally. Be warned! They’re serving up their usual delights of death and destruction. So could add some cheer to our shipping lanes by destroying one.

    Midwinter Manna

    You know, the Santa-1100101’s were meant to give gifts to all the good pilots out there. Shame the person who programmed them didn’t define the word “good” too well. Any help to suppress this seasonal curse is more than welcome, pilot.

    L'image contenants tous les boutons des fenêtres m'avait échappé je ne sait comment, j'y travaille pour que ce genre de choses n'arrive plus.
    Même si tout le monde a pu voir le bouton de la fenêtre de Rzone sur le serveur test, je le met quand même au cas où quelqu'un veuille l'utiliser en render pour une bannière, image ou autre ^^

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

  20. Lolita75

    Lolita75 User

    Bonjour darkorbit, toutes & tous

    Enfin de nouvelles quêtes pour nous occuper ! :)

    Tu ne chômes pas pour nous renseigner, c'est vraiment top de ta part :)

    Merci de mettre tous ces petits renders, ils font merveilles dans les bannières


    .[_.darkorbit._]., Xx..Hope..Xx et *Amitié* aiment votre message.